Would you like to ride across Australia advocating for those in this season of COVID who are experiencing unimaginable pain? We are calling cyclists to register for an exciting adventure next year!
10 Sep, 2020
Would you like to ride across Australia advocating for those in this season of COVID who are experiencing unimaginable pain?
We are calling cyclists to register for an exciting adventure next year!
Ride for Compassion: Coast to Coast 2021 will start in Perth, WA, on 18 September 2021 and finish in Newcastle, NSW, on 20 October 2021.
Compassion Australia is seeking to enlist a team of 30 volunteer cyclists to ride more than 4000 km’s over 28 days—an average of 150 km’s a day.
“2020 has not spared the children we serve.” — Compassion Australia CEO Clare Steele
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all, and it has not spared the children we serve. Compassion’s model of partnering with local churches means we are still able to support vulnerable children during this time of crisis. The World Bank predicts that this pandemic could push 71 million people into extreme poverty in 2020.
Who is needing a fresh spark of hope for your 2021 goals?
Our Goal: to raise $750K and 150 sponsorships for children to access programs with life changing results.
Funds raised through Ride for Compassion: Coast to Coast 2021 will help meet the urgent needs of Compassion assisted children who are facing unthinkable hardships.
To find out more information and to sign up today go to rideforcompassion.com
Or share on social media to your favourite cycling friend who is needing a challenge to bring a smile to their face and pain in their legs this coming year!
Share with friends and let’s get the final 13 spots for this ride filled!
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