Income Generation
Empower young people and their families to be economically self-supporting
Three billion people live on less than US$2.50 per day (World Bank).

757 million adults still lack basic reading and writing skills. Two-thirds (63 percent) are women.

75 per cent of the world's poorest people — 1.4 billion women, children, and men—live in rural areas and depend on agriculture and related activities for their livelihood

A study found that, for every one additional year of education for women of reproductive age, child mortality decreased by 9.5 per cent

Across developing countries, there is a nine percentage point gap between women and men in having an account at a formal financial institution
Sources: UIS; UN; World Bank
The opportunity to learn a skill or understand how to run a business is an important key to breaking the cycle of poverty. However income generating activities are not just about providing finance for a family. They are about empowerment—teaching a young adult that they can use their God-given skills to plan for their future. It is coming alongside a family and teaching them to break the cycle of poverty for the following generations.
Through generous supporters, Compassion intervenes on several fronts:
- Providing business and finance training opportunities for caregivers and young people
- Identifying caregivers who would most benefit from income-generation help
- Facilitating income generating workshops such as credit management, basic business and accounting
- Linking caregivers with other micro-enterprise credit institutions
You can support young people and their caregivers to be empowered through income generation training and equipped with important skills for life.