The sea is his, for he made it, and his hands formed the dry land. —Psalm 95:5
13 Dec, 2020
The word ‘selah’ throughout Scripture is used as an exclamation mark at the end of a verse to help us pause and reflect on its meaning. Today, in day 13 of our Christmas devotional series we are resting on Psalm 95:5. Selah.
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The Earth and Our Christmas Impact
by Katie Irwin
Nothing brings me greater joy than meandering through our small suburban block on Turrbal country in the cool of the morning whilst the dew is still damp underfoot. The kookaburras and cockatoos shout their praises far above me, honeyeaters gracefully dart back and forth and hundreds of bees hum amongst the flowers as nature joins to worship its creator.
I stare at the old gum trees along the perimeter of our street, their roots holding together the fabric of the land underneath my feet and their branches reaching for the heavens. For me it is a powerful way to physically sense God’s grounding force in my life. It is impossible not to join in the morning worship chorus, as you see nature’s joyful and enduring song.
In the lead up to Christmas, I carefully inspect each plant, looking for signs of growth, fruit, and flower. I sow seeds hopefully, knowing that in a few short months I will be harvesting vegetables for our Christmas lunch. I cannot help but align these feelings of hope, joy and anticipation to the upcoming celebration of Jesus’ birth and the day when He will come again, in glory.
It is easy to see God’s fingerprints everywhere you look in nature, for “the sea is his and his hands formed the dry land” (Psalm 95:5).
Oh, how it must break God’s heart to see such destruction and devastation, affecting not only plants and animals but many of the most vulnerable communities across the globe—this is a grave injustice which we cannot ignore.
As Christians, seeking climate and environmental justice is of urgent importance if we are to truly care for God’s creation and the health and homes of our neighbours living in poverty throughout the world.
There are so many simple ways you can protect the planet and turn the tide on climate change in your home today. Choose reusable options wherever you can, consume less meat, install solar panels, walk or ride to work/school, write to your local member, plant trees and native plants, choose second-hand, grow your own vegetables, compost food and garden waste, volunteer with a local bush care group and make your vote count.
So, this Christmas as you begin your journey to a regenerative way of living and loving, may this change not come from a spirit of guilt or condemnation, but as a worship-filled response to God out of gratitude and adoration for His incredible creation.
Dear God, You are the powerful Creator of the heavens and the earth. Help us to make decisions with wisdom to care for the planet that we walk upon. Pour out your power and love, so that we can reflect your beauty and compassion on every part of our world. Amen
Katie Irwin
Katie Irwin is a wife, mother to two young boys, nurse/midwife, keen organic gardener, and waste warrior living on Turrbal land in Meanjin, the city now known as Brisbane. Katie is passionate about sustainable living for families and hopes to encourage, inspire, and empower other families to do the same. She passionately believes that God has called us to protect creation, primarily for the sake of those living in poverty across the globe. Katie shares her gardening, regenerative living tips and family musings over on her Instagram @wastenotcollective and writes for Live for Less.
Tap to Save Your Wallpaper
At the Table Conversation Starter
How can we set small changes in this coming season around our impact on the environment?
Let’s consider the impact that we have on our earth and environment this Christmas and decrease our personal footprint.
Advent Compassion Challenge
Our challenge today is to walk the beach or walk our neighbourhood and pick up any rubbish we find. Heaven and earth are found truly in our midst, giving our time and attention to our local environment.
You can help a family in need to grow their own food for just $5! Give a Gift of Compassion today to do something practical this Christmas.