“On this mountain, the Lord Almighty will prepare a feast of rich food for all peoples, a banquet of aged wine—the best of meats and the finest of wines.” —Isaiah 25:6
01 Dec, 2020
The word ‘selah’ throughout Scripture is used as an exclamation mark at the end of a verse to help us pause and reflect on its meaning. Today, in day one of our Christmas devotional series, we begin by resting on Isaiah 25:6. Selah.
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The Table of Justice
by Clare Steele
As 2020 comes to a close, pausing to take a breath feels more important than ever.
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted us all, and it has not spared the children we serve. The World Bank has predicted that up to 115 million new children will be globally pushed into poverty amid this global crisis.
It has also, however, enabled us to think differently about the way that we serve one another.
Like nine-year-old Keysha from Emaus Child Development Centre in Indonesia was inspired by Scripture.
When she heard the Bible story of Jesus feeding 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish, she was compelled with hope to help others. Keysha aimed to feed elderly people and orphans in her community and asked friends to contribute five handfuls of rice. Sometimes it just takes a simple idea to reframe the unimportant things that become revolutionary. God delights in responding with hope.
As we all take the time to enter a new year and reflect upon the changes that have happened globally across 2020, I want to sit at a table with you and start a conversation that matters. I have been reflecting on the following questions personally.
What did Jesus teach us about justice?
How can the Church follow His example?
And what is our personal response to serve children living in poverty?
This Advent we have asked a group of authors, across different denominations, to write together as a shared table of conversation. The prophet Isaiah invites us in chapter 25 to the table to sit with the justice of Christ and feast.
The worship song we have included in this devotional journey for today asks us to selah, to pause and reflect.
As we set Christmas tables this year, to feast and celebrate, we also extend an invitation to reflect on our response to those whose experience of Christmas is vastly different to our own.
Dear Jesus,
This year has been one full of much change, loss and transition. Help us to find ways to laugh, smile and celebrate you as we move towards a new year. May we find new songs and new ways to lean towards your hope. Thank you for the invitation to sit with you and feast. To taste and see that the Lord is good.
Clare Steele
Following a successful business career, Clare has worked for more than a decade in Christian ministry, focusing on strategic leadership that enables churches to better serve their communities. As Compassion Australia CEO, she is excited to see churches and Christians around the world empowered to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name.
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At the Table Conversation Starter
How can we sit at the table together and start conversations?
Let’s commit to joining this journey of compassion and reflect prayerfully in this season.
Advent Compassion Challenge
Each day in December, we will suggest an Advent Compassion challenge to help us focus on the beauty of hope and community this Christmas.
Today your challenge is to post on social media about the journey we are going on together over the next 24 days. Invite your friends and family to come on a devotional journey of compassion together this season. Use the hashtag #togetherweriseasone
And if you’d like an extra challenge to give with an extra measure of generosity, please give to the We Rise as One appeal to help protect vulnerable children from COVID-19.