Writing a letter to the child or teenager you sponsor can seem a little daunting. Where do you start? But even sponsors who have been writing for years still ask, “What should I write about?” Well, instead of us giving you ideas, we went straight to a trusted source: the children enrolled in our Child Sponsorship Program!
27 Jul, 2016
When asked “What do you like to hear from your sponsor?”, the children were very excited to share about the letters they receive.
Nearly all of them described how much they love it when their sponsors express their love for them and encourage them to study hard. They like it when their sponsors pray for them and ask for prayer in return.
“I love when she writes ‘God be with you and your family’ and when she tells me she is praying for me. I thank her so much for this!” —Jeanne
“I like it when she wishes me the best in my studies and when she prays for me.” —Sandrine
“I like it when my sponsor tells me how her children are doing in school; it encourages me to work hard not to let her down.” —Lilliane
With eagerness to learn more about his sponsor, Evariste said he’d like to know if his sponsor is still studying and how old he is. “I love how my sponsor feels about me. I like that he loves me.”
Most of the children were curious to know more about their sponsors’ lives, families and studies, and also hoped to one day meet them face to face.
12-year-old Alice wanted to know what her sponsor does for a living, whereas 11-year-old Josias was interested in whether his sponsor is married or has a family.
Lilliane wanted to learn where her sponsor is studying, Theodette would like to see a picture of her sponsor, and Veronique hoped her sponsor would come to visit her.
All of the children expressed gratefulness. They consider themselves blessed to have wonderful sponsors who love them and write to them.
Many expressed an interest in learning more about their sponsor’s country, lifestyle and culture.
11-year-old Radha wants to know what her sponsor’s daily life is like. “I want to know more about my sponsor’s family and what they do every day. I am interested to know about their country, climate and what they eat. I want to know what they do in their vacation.”
Rakshini agrees. “I also like to know about their culture since I have heard there is a great difference between our culture and theirs.”
“I want to know what they do in their free time,” says 13-year-old Naomi, “and their food!”
No matter their age, everyone loved receiving photos!
“I love to see recent photographs of my sponsors!” says 12-year-old Rakshini.
Aarthi, 6, agrees. “I like to receive photos and stickers from my sponsor!”
When you write to your sponsored child this month, use one of the topics mentioned by the children as inspiration. You can write online via your My Account.
A version of this blog first appeared on the Compassion International blog and has been republished here with permission.
Words by Rosette Mutoni and Jayasleen Enos
Photos by David Adhikary, Chuck Bigger, Sean Sheridan, Jonathan L. Suwaratana