Latest update

Right now, Haiti is facing widespread gang violence, especially in Port-au-Prince. The country is still recovering from a 7.2 magnitude earthquake which hit southwestern Haiti and damaged close to 50 Compassion centres in 2021. Many children and families are experiencing food insecurity amid the global food crisis. Please join us in prayer for our neighbours facing hardship.

When a crisis strikes, our mission remains the same: to release children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Compassion has a long history of serving the children of Haiti and we're making every effort to support our affected church partners and the children in their care.

Both French and Haitian Creole are widely spoken in Haiti. There is a Creole saying known for its blunt declaration of perseverance and strength: ‘Nou led, nou la’ meaning ‘we are here, we survive anyway’.

Watch the video update below from our passionate local church partners in Haiti to learn more.

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Country update

How you can pray

Thank you for praying for staff, churches, children and families in Haiti.

Please join us in praying for the following:

  • Pray that God would protect the most vulnerable amid widespread gang violence and political instability.
  • Pray for God's provision over the many families experiencing food insecurity.
  • Pray that those involved in income generation activities would create stable income to provide for their families and help rebuild their homes.
  • Pray that God would give our staff wisdom as they steward their resources and find the best ways to support the children we serve.
  • Pray for those who have experienced trauma in the 2021 earthquake and in the earthquakes in 2010 and 2016 in Haiti. Ask God to bring comfort and peace to their hearts and minds.
  • Pray that children will be able to continue their education to pursue a future free from poverty.
  • Pray that God will bless and keep local church staff and volunteers who are still persevering in their ministry to children during hard circumstances.
Life changed in the blink of an eye

Life changed in the blink of an eye

Lives were turned upside down after an earthquake ransacked the small town of Picot, Haiti. Over 2,200 people lost their lives in the tragedy—including a six-year-old boy named Andy. Andy's older sister, Mia, and father, Carlo, turned to their local Compassion centre for support and help.   Read more open_in_new

A snapshot of Compassion's Child Sponsorship Program in Haiti

Compassion’s program is contextualised across countries and communities, as well as age groups.

  • Children aged 1 to 3 receive home-based care.
  • Children aged 3 to 5 visit the Compassion centre for one hour every weekday and three hours on Saturdays.
  • Children aged 6 and older attend the centre for two to four hours after school each day and for four hours on Saturdays.

Compassion Program Activities in Haiti

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Compassion assisted children in Haiti typically attend program activities at their local child development centre before or after school. Here is an example of what a typical program day looks like for children in Haiti.

8:00am - A time of prayer and devotion and breakfast. A typical breakfast usually consists of eggs, bread or buns and tea.

9:00am - Spiritual lessons, in which children sing songs and learn Bible stories. Children aged three to five are given an illustrated Bible with simple stories. Children aged six to eight receive an illustrated Bible with longer stories. Children aged nine to 14 are given a complete Bible. Students over the age of 15 receive a study Bible.

10:30am - Break time, when children can play in a safe environment and develop friendships.

11:00am - Social-emotional lessons ranging from conflict resolution to developing healthy self-esteem. Children often come from challenging home environments and are taught social and personal skills.

12:00pm - Lunch and social time. Children often receive sandwiches, juice or milk, or a hot meal of spaghetti or rice, beans, vegetables and meat. There is a special nutritional program for malnourished children.

1:00pm - Health lessons, in which children learn practical health and hygiene lessons, including how to prevent malaria and HIV.

2:00pm - Letter writing and career planning. Older children work with local staff to identify their strengths and interests and set goals for their future.

Children are also invited to attend spiritual retreats during Carnival and Easter. Older students can choose vocational training classes, including painting, crafts, sewing, computer, music, photography, videography, cooking and foreign language classes. Parents and caregivers are offered income generation activities and parenting seminars each week.

The greatest needs impacting children living in poverty in Haiti


of people over the age of 15 can’t read and write

Haiti became the first independent Caribbean state when it ousted its French colonial rulers and abolished slavery in the early 19th century. Haitians are characterised by their wonderful sense of humour as well as their resilience in the face of great adversities, such as hurricanes, earthquakes and gang violence.

Haiti is currently the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, with more than half the population living in poverty. Widespread malnutrition has led to approximately 22 per cent of children experiencing moderate to severe growth stunting.

Equally pervasive and just as detrimental to their development is child labour. 24 per cent of children aged 5-17 are engaged in child labour of some sort.

Haitian President Jovenel Moïse was assassinated during a raid on his home on 7th July, 2021. Only a month later, on August 14th, a 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit southwestern Haiti. Close to 50 child development centres, which oversee more than 17,000 children, were destroyed or reported heavy damage.

This instability comes against a backdrop of historical destruction caused by earthquakes, floods and cyclones that regularly sweep the nation. Tens of thousands of Haitian people have lost their lives in the events of the past decade and millions more have had their homes and livelihoods destroyed. These regular events make it very difficult for the nation to build the infrastructure it needs—hospitals, roads, schools—to bring its people out of poverty.

Yet the church is rising again and again in response, meeting children’s physical, emotional and spiritual needs—providing them and their families with the immediate and long-term support they need to get back to their feet and experience the unfailing hope found in Jesus Christ.

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Stories from Compassion around the world

14 Mar, 2018

Why Do My Sponsored Child's Letters Sound the Same?

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07 Sep, 2016

10 Eye-Opening Photos of Classrooms In the Developing World

Most classroom in Australia look fairly similar. Although they might be decorated differently, you can pretty much expect to see the same things—some desks, a board, and maybe some computers. But what about the classrooms of children in Compassion’s programs? We all know education varies across the world, but so do the classrooms! .. Read more

06 Aug, 2015

3 Children Share Why They Love Receiving Letters

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